Croydon parents and carers, who applied on-time, received notification last night of their child’s primary school offer – 98.8 % of children receiving a place at one of their preferred schools this year.
This compares with 98.29% last year.
In a continued positive trend from last year, 97.8% of this year’s 4,358 applicants have been offered a place at one of their top three preferred schools, this is an increase of 1.3% compared with 2022.
88.5% of children have been offered a place at their top preference school – an increase of 2% from last year.
Offers must be accepted by 2 May 2023. Parents and carers can do this by logging into their eAdmissions account.
Information on how places were allocated at oversubscribed Croydon schools has been published on the council website, along with information about schools that still have vacancies.

“Everyone who applied on time has been offered a primary school place for their child, and I am delighted that the vast majority have been offered a place at a school of their preference. I want every child and young person in Croydon to reach their full potential and this means making sure that they have access to a good education. If you’ve received an offer for your child, make sure you accept ahead of the deadline to secure their place. I wish everyone starting their school journey in Croydon this September, all the very best.”
Jason Perry, Executive Mayor of Croydon